- A well-worn baby carrier is one that immitates the way we hold our child in our arms. Meaning it’s on our chest and fairly close to our face so we can kiss it.
- Make sure that your baby can breathe properly. Position the baby so its chin is not folded on its chest.
- Do not cover the baby's face with the fabric. This can make the baby to breathe the same air, which can be dangerous
- Do not jog, run or anything else that may make your baby to shaking, as this could damage the neck, the spine or even the baby's brain.
- Never use a carrier while driving. The baby carrier provides no safety in this case. Baby carriers are not an approved child restraint or floatation device and should not be used in moving vehicles or boats. Avoid babywearing in situations where it would not be safe to carry an infant in-arms.
- Practice all carries—especially back carries–with a spotter, over a bed or couch, or low to the ground until you are completely confident.
- Use a carrier that corresponds to your baby's age and weight.
- It is also important that your carrier provide adequate support for your infant’s developing neck and back. Ideally, the baby should be held with his knees higher than his bottom with legs in a spread squat position and support from knee to knee although with older babies and toddlers full knee to knee support is not always possible or necessary. An ergonomic carrier (whether a soft structured carrier, Asian-style carrier, sling, or wrap) will provide better support for baby and will be more comfortable for the caregiver as well.