In the commercial market, one can find different types of sling for all needs and uses, and some are really wonderful. If used properly, they offer the baby warmth and physical contact, the ability to breastfeed and when he wants to see the world from above, receiving stimuli from the environment around him. For the parent is the most convenient mode of transport compared to the traditional wheeled baby carrier, and allows him to be undistracted while dealing with his errands, inside and outside the home. It can still be very helpful regarding the contact of the baby with the father and also the emotional bonding with the father, and makes more feasible the walks outside the home in the first months of life.
Many pregnant women will ensure that when the baby is still in the belly, it stops kicking and seems calmer when the pregnant mother is moving and walking, while it is more active when she lies down. The movement inside the warm embrace of the uterus seems that is lullabying the baby. When it comes to the world, it naturally craves what it comforted it in the past: it remains calm in our arms when is cradled slightly. Instead, it is terrified and cries in a dark and silent room, on a firm mattress. The baby carrier can offer this natural continuation.
Studies show that babies carried in sling from their parents remain for more time in a quiet alertness and cry less. The calm vigilance is the most desired mental state of the newborn, as it absorbs the world with eyes wide open and learns faster. The constant physical contact soothes the internal discomfort of the infant and reduces the unnecessary hand and foot movements and opens its doors to the outside world. It also, might make the baby smarter.
I'm sure it would be good that the Greek parents used more of these amenities. It is healthier for the parents and babies to come out to the outside world from being closed for months inside the house as still happens in Greece. Babies are a happiness that you share with the whole world and infections originate from the closed environment and isolation, not from the fresh air and the renewal that offers the ride.
Stelios Papaventzis, Pediatrician MRCPCH DCH ΙΒCLC, Graduate of the Royal College of Pediatrics of Great Britain & Certified Lactation Consultant
In his book "For another preschool age"
Translation to English: Dora Karli for baby carriers
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